Our Coaches

  • Years in CrossFit? Time is a construct.

    Favorite CrossFit Move? Pull-ups, or push-ups, or box jumps, or… honestly, I’m just here for the shoes.

    Favorite Sport to Play? Futball.

    Favorite 19th Century American President? Hear me out. Lincoln.

    Favorite Anne Hathaway Movie? Love and Other Drugs, it makes me feel things.

    Too much or not enough? No such thing. Of either.

    Would you rather fight a Great White in an Olympic size pool filled with 3 feet or fresh water, or a Grizzly on a 20 foot balance beam over a bear fall filled with spikes? Both. Grizzly on a balance beam over the shark pool.

  • Years in CrossFit? 10 (Sam’s answer is also 10.)

    Favorite CrossFit Move/Lift? Power Cleans.

    Favorite Sport to Play? Football.

    Favorite 19th Century American President? I’m thinkin’ Lincoln. Same height as me. Not the only reason, obviously. Just an additional reason on top of all the other great stuff he did. Can I start over?

    Favorite Anne Hathaway Movie? The Princess Diaries. My literal dream.

    Too much or not enough? Too much of a good thing? We’ve got a name for that where I come from, and it’s called “a great thing”.

    Would you rather fight a Great White in an Olympic size pool filled with 3 feet or fresh water, or a Grizzly on a 20 foot balance beam over a bear fall filled with spikes? Oh, am I a 16,000lb sea-dwelling, tuxedo-wearing, behemoth mammal? No, because I am not an Orca. I ain’t fightin’ no Great White. Give me the Grizzly, I’ll die with some dignity.

  • Years in CrossFit? 7

    Favorite CrossFit Move/Lift? Ring muscle-ups.

    Favorite Sport to Play? Football, baby.

    Favorite 19th Century American President? This feels like a trap, but… Lincoln.

    Favorite Anne Hathaway Movie? The Dark Knight Rises. She reminded me a lot of myself in that one. Strong. Goal-oriented. Not afraid to use her sexuality to get what she wants.

    Too much or not enough? I’ll take too much love and not enough suffering. Nice.

    Would you rather fight a Great White in an Olympic size pool filled with 3 feet or fresh water, or a Grizzly on a 20 foot balance beam over a bear fall filled with spikes? I have incredible balance and grizzlies are one of the least agile sub-species of bear, so I like my chances there.

  • Years in Crossfit? 10

    Favorite CrossFit Move/Lift? Snatch.

    Favorite Sport to Play? Baseball. (Obviously.)

    Favorite 19th Century American President? I’ll go with my boy Abe.

    Favorite Anne Hathaway Movie? Interstellar. “Love isn’t something that we invented. It’s observable. Powerful. It has to mean something.”

    Too much or not enough? Load it up, brother.

    Would you rather fight a Great White in an Olympic size pool filled with 3 feet of fresh water or a Grizzly on a 20 foot balance beam over a bear fall filled with spikes? No brainer… Great White.

  • Years in Crossfit? 11.

    Favorite CrossFit Move/Lift? Cleans.

    Favorite sport to play? Baseball.

    Favorite 19th Century American President? Are any of these guys seriously saying anyone but Lincoln?

    Favorite Anne Hathaway movie? Ocean’s 8. Annie Haths and Bad Girl RiRi? Sign me up.

    Too much or not enough? What? In what context? I mean, give me something. Too much acid in my face? I’ll go with not enough. Not enough blood in my body? I’ll go with too much. Though, that would suck too. Dumb question.

    Would you rather fight a Great White in an Olympic size pool filled with 3 feet of fresh water, or a Grizzly on a 20-foot balance beam over a bear fall filled with spikes? This is such a boy question. That water is up to my chest and the bear is ten times my size, so I’ll just walk into oncoming traffic. Cool? Cool.

  • Years in CrossFit? 5

    Favorite CrossFit Move/Lift? Power clean. Not squat clean…

    Favorite Sport to Play? Golf.

    Favorite 19th Century American President? How is this related to CrossFit? Never mind. Lincoln.

    Favorite Anne Hathaway Movie? Bride Wars. (**No additional explanation provided)

    Too much or not enough? I’ll take too much for 300, Alex.

    Would you rather fight a Great White in an Olympic size pool filled with 3 feet of fresh water, or a Grizzly on a 20-foot balance beam over a bear fall filled with spikes? Great White all day. I’ll keep my distance and let the fresh water do my work for me.